Equipment under agreement
As part of the Joint Research Platform of the framework agreement for collaboration in research activities between the University of Turin and the Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico-Fondazione del Piemonte per l'Oncologia
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Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy Service:
- Leica AOBS SP8 STED3x inverted confocal microscope;
- Leica SPEII straight confocal microscope;
- Nikon LIPSI high throughput system;
- Cell Celector Flex ALS (Sartorius).
Quantitative PCR service:
- QuantStudio 7 Pro-RealTime PCR System, Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Technologies;
- nCounter SPRINT Profiler.
New Generation Sequencing Service:
- NextSeq 500 Sequencing System, Illumina;
- MiSeq Gene & Small Genome Sequencer, Illumina.
Cytofluorimetry Service:
- Cell Sorter MoFlo XDP Beckman Coulter;
- BD FACSymphony™ A1 16C SPD HTS.